Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Let Go...Surrender...Be in the Now

 All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
-- Havelock Ellis

I've'Been There...A Testimony of Hope has a lot of recurring themes about being able to let go. I am going through another phase of that as I get closer to the launch date of the book with each passing day. There has been a lot of time, energy, revisiting and releasing each time I have editing the book and re-read it. When I think of handing it over to the publisher and then giving it over to Source to outwork where it goes from that point it is also calling me to "let go and let God/Goddess" take it where its meant to go.

Letting is one of the hardest lessons in life. In life, there's many things that we have to learn to let go. We have to let go of situations, things, memories, people and even ourselves.
It's easy to form an attachment to people and things. When you've formed an attachment to people and things, it can be a very painful experience and feeling when you realized that it's time to let go. Even the mere thought of not having that person or thing in your life just squeezes your heart in pain. However, there are times where you or that person has changed to the extent that it's necessary to let go of the relationship or friendship, so that each of you can fulfill your life path.

Letting go of your past and memories are also extremely hard. Even though old memories can be tormenting, yet you might hold on to the past and refuse to move forward. However, by refusing to let go of the painful past, it'll serve as a roadblock to love. Releasing the old  self and the process of letting the new emerge can be one of the scariest experiences in your life. But by leaving behind your old self and taking a leap of faith into the unknown, it might just reveal what you are truly capable of becoming. With the depth of what we share at Fresh Beginnings I know that each of us are varying stages of having to change things we may be reluctant to do...or let go of people and events that are no longer healthy. I wanted to share these ideas with you as I finish up the final edits and prepare to let the book go to its natural completion.
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

-- Lao Tzu
Let go. Why do you cling to pain? There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not yours to judge. Why hold on to the very thing which keeps you from hope and love?
 ♥~  ~♥-- Leo Buscaglia~♥~ ~♥~

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Standing up for what you believe

If you have ever been the only one in a large group, say a class in high school, to defend someone or something that you know is wrong, then you are what we consider a hero. Standing up for what you believe in at all times is not only one of the most admirable traits a person can possess, but is also ultimately one of the most self fulfilling ones. Standing up for what you believe in requires a great amount of courage first and foremost, but also requires a person to be knowledgeable on the subject that they are standing up for. 

Many times when we may be standing up for a belief, idea or opinion the belief we share may not be the most popular belief and will require us to be relentless in our approach, unwavering despite whatever the consequences may be. Doing what's right requires a person with a strong heart, so if you know you will compromise easily with your opposition, you may not want to try. Remember to always go with your gut, when you see something that you feel is absolutely wrong, do what your conscience is telling you that you should do, you never know who or what you may be helping!

We are not here to fit in at any cost. We are being called to break free of old patterns, delusions and conditioned existence. As we transform your inner world and heighten awareness it creates a ripple effect that inspires other people to break free old ties that used to bind.  Within our personal and professional experience  we believe this  applies to many who are transforming and awakening to broader perspectives on life, spirituality and heightened awareness about the importance of living life on our own terms in self-accountable ways that do not cause harm to others.

Rsonating With Like Minded People *¨*.¸¸*¨ ♥ LOVE.**¨*.¸*¨ ♥ .♥•.¸¸.• (¯`*•.ƪ(˘˛˘)ʃ.• *´¯) .♥•.¸¸.• ƸӜƷ *¨*.¸¸.*¨ ♥ *¨*.¸¸*¨ ♥

If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It!

We do NOT OWN this song. All rights belong to the respective artist. No copyright infringement intended. We are simply a fan**

I urge you to listen to this song and read the lyrics I've posted below. The song is called, "FREE" and it's sung by Elliott Yamin, 3rd place winner on American Idol 2 seasons ago. He's a phenomenal musician, and I LOVE THIS SONG.
Now that fear is out of the way
I'm starting to see myself so clear
Like a light shining into the night
Everybody has a day
When they're criticized for something
But hold on to what you believe

Tell me what you're hiding from
Everybody's on the run
Movin' so fast got to slow it down and breathe
Hold fast to your dreams 
And don't be afraid to fly
Alone in the sky
When you do then

You'll be free
Nothing's impossible
Free (alright,alright)
You've achieved the unexplainable
I believe that miracles
Happen to those
Who refuse to be told 
They can happen when we least expect
So we let ourselves be free


Every chance that we take
Is one less mistake we can make
Sometimes are blessings are in disguise
Look beyond what they say
It don't really matter what they see
As long as you can believe

Tell me what you're hiding from
Everybody's on the run
Moving so fast got to slow it down and breathe
Hold fast to your dreams
And don't be afraid to fly
Alone in the sky
When you do then 

You'll be free
Nothing's impossible 
Free (alright, alright)
You've achieved the unexplainable
I believe that miracles
Happen to those 
Who refuse to be told
They can happen when we least expect
So we let ourselves be free

Oh oh 
It's difficult to hold on
So easy to let go
And take the road that's least resistent
But you gotta be persistent
(I) leading them to follow
(I) don't wait for tomorrow
(I) got to do it today
Nothing's impossible 
Free (alrgiht, alright)
You've achieved the unexplainable
I believe that miracles 
Happen to those 
Who refuse to be told
They can happen when we least expect
So we let ourselves be free

Oh yeah
Oh yeah

The Power to Change the World

Each of us has the power to change the world. Our unique talents, gifts, strengths and pure potential all combine to make us who we are as a part of the whole. In this excerpt from the book by Harold W. Becker, Unconditional Love -- An Unlimited Way of Being, he shares that when we act from the wisdom of our heart, we place our self in the perfect place to affect change. We begin with a selfless act by acknowledging and accepting ourselves. We release and detach the old and outmoded fears, guilt, worry and doubt and in turn generate the unconditional love from within. This love is felt by all the people, places and things around us. We can follow our dreams and fulfill our destiny. Smile and the world smiles with you, laugh and all humanity laughs too. For more, go to www.thelovefoundation.com 

The Love Foundation is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization with the mission of inspiring people to love unconditionally. Established in 2000, TLF has become the internationally recognized leading resource for understanding and applying unconditional love. Our vision is to assist people by building a practical foundation and experience of love within individuals and society as a whole, through our education, research and charitable programs. "The Home of Global Love Day each May 1st"

Harold W. Becker is Founder and President of TLF and is the author of Unconditional Love -- An Unlimited Way of Being and other works.

Created by a kind volunteer as a gracious gift for The Love Foundation

This is your life...what are you choosing?

This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often. If you don't like something, change it. If you don't like your job, quit. If you don't have enough time, stop watching tv. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.

 Stop over analyzing, all emotions are beautiful. Life is simple. When you eat, appreciate every last bite. Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things, and people, we are united in our differences. Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.

Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself. Some opportunities only come once, seize them. Life is about the people you meet, and the things you meet with them so go out and start creating. Life is short. Live your dreams and live your passion.

I wish for you..."
Comfort on difficult days,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the clouds,
Laughter to kiss your lips,
Sunsets to warm your heart,
Gentle hugs when spirits sag,
Friendships to brighten your being,
Beauty for your eyes to see,
Confidence for when you doubt,
Faith so that you can believe,
Courage to know yourself,
Patience to accept the truth,
Have a blessed day.
author: unknown

Tracy Chapman - New Beginning

When you push someone in one direction forcefully, 
the opposite direction will become more attractive for 
that person.  Don’t push anyone to do or follow something forcefully, 
it will only lead to destruction, but instead of compelling 
stand beside and guide them with love and understanding, 
give people time, ask them to take it slowly and at the 
end you will see the beauty.

The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers"
~Deepak Chopra~

There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle."
~Deepak Chopra~

To laugh often and love much; 
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; 
To earn the approval of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; 
To appreciate beauty; 
To find the best in others; 
To give of one's self; 
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; 
To have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; 
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; 
This is to have succeeded

Ralph Waldo Emerson
•*¨)¸.•*¨) Peace and Love Always
(¸.•´♥♥.¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´♥♥.¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) ¸.•´


By Coralie Darsey-Malloy
David Malloy

While there are many out there who remember the spiritual significance of special occasions and gatherings it is important to approach them with moderation, balance and modesty there are some who are drawn in to media hype and marketing ploys.  Over extensions of time, energy and money combined with lack of sleep, disruption of normal routines, and too much food in strange combinations frequently lead to an emotional hangover after any big event, overeating at big events or using food to cope with unresolved emotional eating.

   1.  Maintain balance and moderation in all things.      Nothing throws the system off like sleep deprivation or over-loading the body with too much food.   After a big turkey dinner most can attest to the ‘sleepy’ feelings that come from protein overload and the calming effects of the amino acid tryptophan present in turkey.  Being mindful of alcohol and food consumption can also prevent the overloaded feeling that builds up throughout the season and leads to emotional lows after all the celebrating is done. 

    2.  Make time for fitness and fresh air and sunshine.   Many people have a difficult time fitting daily exercise in under normal conditions.  During hectic times like Christmas exercise is the last thing that comes to mind.  My message is a different one.  January is coming and the longer you stay away from your various routines,   the harder it will be to get back to where you were.   Why not start a new tradition with family and friends that includes some physical movement?   It  is a guaranteed  way to avoid feeling stressed.  

    3.   If you want to reduce the chances of a “blah or low time” try not to get hooked on ‘artificial  highs.’  Any great event can be managed well when they are  approached with realistic expectations, forethought and an ability to plan ahead.  Meaningful gifts do not have to over-extend the budget and even though it sounds trite … it is the thought and effort that goes into gifts that is the important thing.  Something baked or crafted with love and affection and exchanged with  nice card and/or heartfelt expressions of affection often mean far more to the recipient than an extravagant gift based on material value alone.  These types of gifts usually do not break the budget or lead to financial regret when credit card bills start to roll in after the artificial high and media hype of the holidays are over. 

    4.  Be prepared for the re-surfacing of buried emotions.  Family events often trigger buried emotions and can add to emotional lows.  The challenge for each of us is to be courageous and committed to reaching a point where we are able to accept people for who they are … whether we agree with them or not.    If a family member’s behavior is particularly upsetting, set boundaries.   In the event they are not respected or the situation does not warrant open confrontation do your best to separate yourself or ignore them.     Ignoring poor behavior is an effective way of disempowering it. 

5. Participate.   Make it your goal to experience the magic of giving because it truly is more blessed to give than receive.   Giving can take many forms other than just the material.  Giving can include visiting and offering support to a less fortunate family, volunteering  at  a food bank or soup kitchen, canvassing  for a favorite charity or cause or visiting a retirement home or hospital.  Any of these ‘gifts’ could really make someone else’s day.

6. Give yourself the gift of ‘self-health.’  The gift of self-health begins with your own actions.  Make a plan to eat less, (especially junk food, sugar, coffee and alcohol.)  Keep water intake high (two to three liters per day) get adequate amounts of  sleep, fresh air, sunshine and exercise.  Then to top it off rent some funny movies and laugh, laugh … then laugh some more.  Laughter releases endorphin that create a natural high and exercises the tummy muscles in ways that have been referred to as an ‘internal jog.’  If relationships need mending, forgiveness is a good place to start.  Couple all that with an ‘attitude of gratitude’ for all that you have.  

What greater gift can you receive than to function at a high level and to flourish physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?  There is no monetary amount that will ever replace good health and a sense of well-being. Implementing all or part of the above suggestions will help maintain balance and prevent emotions from getting too high…or  low.  However, when all is said and done the  best way to create an emotional high that will keep on as long as we practice it is to focus more on what we can do for others and less on what is not working in our own lives.  The benefits will be yours to enjoy. 

Attitude truly is everything!

By Coralie R. Darsey-Malloy
David Malloy

We believe the single most significant decision anyone can make on a day-to-day basis is in their attitude.  It is more important than the past,  education,  bankroll,  successes or failures, fame or pain.  . Maintaining a positive attitude keeps things   moving forward whereas as negativism  cripples  progress. A good attitude alone fuels  the inner fire while a negative one can  diminish  hope.  With a postivie, hopeful attitudes   there is no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great to overcome or any story too high to shoot for.  

The impact of attitude on life is often more transformative that any fact.  A bumble bee is not supposed to be able to fly because of its aerodynamic design…but it does.  Often one’s attitude can prove to be more of determining factor in who they become than  education,  money or   circumstances. 

People with the right attitude can become more  than their  appearance, giftedness or skill.  Attitude and focused intentions can   make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past nor can anyone cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.  Nor do we have any control over  the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to  and 90% of people choose to react to it. That is the message we put out in our private consultations, in the groups we lead, during public speaking engagements.

We know that anything that you should have done, but didn’t, ties you to your past We ask clients if their  mental and emotional clutter getting in the way of a fulfilling life?  If it is then it may be  time to clean out the “need-to’s,” “have-to’s,” and “ought-to’s,” from your past. When you have regrets it’s tough to move forward and grow.
Put the past in the past. Return anything you borrowed. Make apologies where needed. Get your bills up to date. Send the card or gift you forgot to send. Make the phone call you need to make. Taking care of these things cleans your mental slate and eliminates any regrets or resentments you may harbor.
Now, take a deep breath; look ahead. Both your conscience, and your future vision, is clear…and you are ready to create another…Fresh Beginning!


By Coralie R. Darsey-Malloy
David Malloy

Our life is frittered away by detail...Simplify, simplify!
-Henry David Thoreau

After leaving  the home we loved and chasing a dream of acreage on the lake in Kenora, Ontario we were given a second chance to return to the very house we left. It was during this time that my husband, David and I began the process of simplifying our lives. We finally began to realize that we were not going to be able to do everything we'd been trying to do. That realization started us down a very different path. We sat down and figured out what we really wanted to do and what was realistic for us to achieve. That process forced us to begin simplifying our lifestyle and allowed us to determine what really mattered and we had the time, energy and resources to accomplish.

Initially we began to assess the outer areas of our life such as our household, finances, careers, social life and how much time was taken up in the routines of our general lifestyle. The first and most significant decision made was to stop buying, selling our home whenever we got it to where we wanted it and moving every two years. We systematically de-cluttered the house and got rid of everything we were not using or wearing. Finding a home for things and creating order was a delightful and liberating experience. The next step was to convert our large garden to hardy perennials and that reduced the amount of maintenance immensely.

Simplifying the outer aspects of life created new opportunities to discover areas of our inner lives that we could simplify as well. By maintaining our outer lives in greater order it was easier to look within and find ways to increase my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and have more time to do the things we really wanted to do.
Although it wasn't clear at the onset of the process though time I began to develop some clarity about what was occurring. Something I now call inner simplicity. What that means to me is an ability to tune into what is, in my opinion the best of what life has to offer such as the bonds we share with family and friends, the enchantment of nature and the serenity that comes through prayer, meditation and quiet contemplation.
One of the best aspects of inner simplicity is that it creates an appropriate balance between our inner and outer lives and allows us to develop a sense of what is needed to heal and balance different areas of life. It fosters creativity and leads to an ability to meet life's challenges head on.

Living a simpler life with greater inner stillness encourages us to let go of all the hurts, disappointments and traumas that prevent us from living our best lives. Inner simplicity is a process of removing inner conflicts such as worry, resentment, anger, fear, disappointment, judgment and all those other negative mind-sets that interfere with peace and tranquility.  Developing the process of inner simplicity is a way of growing and nourishing the soul. It is augmented by spending time in solitude, mediation, enjoying nature, trusting inner knowing, meditating, dancing, listening to inspiring music and releasing mental mind chatter.

Establishing inner simplicity in your life will provide unlimited possibilities for personal growth and give you time to do what you want to do rather than what you think you should do. It will help you to decide how you want to live your life and provide more energy to do it. It also helps clear your head and provides a sense of direction and purpose that is inwardly directed rather than outwardly directed. Living from that place creates untold opportunities to live life in a more genuine, authentic way and that increases appreciation for yourself and improves relationships with others. Removing external and internal clutter and focusing on what really matters opens the way to expand awareness and help you improve the quality of life on every level and give you a new zest for living!

Believe in Yourself

I do not define myself by how many roadblocks have appeared in my path;
but by the courage I have found to forge new roads.

I do not define myself by how many disappointments I have faced;
but by the forgiveness and faith I have found to begin again.

I do not define myself by how long a relationship lasted;
but by how I have loved and have been willing to love again.

I do not define myself by how many times I have been knocked down;
but by how many times I have struggled to my feet.

I do not define myself by how often I have appeared a fool;
but by the number of risks I have taken.

I do not define myself by the number of mistakes I have made;
but by the knowledge I have learned from trying a new way.

I am not my pain...

I am not my past...

I am that which has emerged from the fire.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Stephen Gately- New Beginning Lyrics

We believe it is never to early or too late to create a fresh, new beginning and the lyrics in this song share that message.
Watch your thoughts, they become your words.
Watch your words, they become your actions.
Watch your actions, they become your habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny!"

It’s not the day you have to manage,
but the moment…
It’s not the dragon you have to slay,
but the fear...

And it’s not the path you have to know,
but the destination…
What a relief, huh?

So here's to creating bright, beautiful fresh beginnings after each transformation as we grow, emerge and and show the world our true colors.
It’s not the day you have to manage,
but the moment…
It’s not the dragon you have to slay,
but the fear...
And it’s not the path you have to know,
but the destination…
What a relief, huh?

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

A Growing Social Problem: The Lack of Resources for Men in Need

By Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy

If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place.

--Michel De Montaigne

Medical and non-medical mental health resources report that men on the ‘edge of brokenness’ do not access support systems for a variety of reasons. A document released in September of 2004 (Patterns of Regional Mental Health Illness Disorder Diagnoses and service Use in Manitoba: A Population Based Study) revealed men commit suicide more than three times as often (two per 10,000) to females (0.6 per 10,000).The ratio is approximately 102 men to every 22 women.

The study does not reveal why more men commit suicide only that they do. According to Constance Eagle from the Anxiety Disorder Association of Manitoba women may attempt suicide but men carry it through…and in more violent ways. Although the reasons behind higher suicides rates in men are unclear, professionals theorize it is their unwillingness or inability to access mental health services that puts them at higher risk. Barriers such as peer pressure and gender socialization can make it difficult for men to open up to their wives, partners, family members and even their churches. The harsh and often shocking reality of their situation only hits when men run away from home or take their own lives. Men’s tendency to internalize feelings may lead to addictions, financial problems, violence, spousal and family abuse. When this occurs, fear of being forced into the justice system may prevent them from accessing mental health resources and see suicide as the only way out.

While researching this topic a media contact added her experiences. She published an article on depression. Afterwards, numerous men from her readership called and admitted to living in quiet desperation with nowhere to turn. RCMP records for Manitoba confirm that growing numbers of men are struggling in similar despair. There are 105 missing Manitobans and 95 of them are male and known to have health and psychological problems. On a larger scale, FBI databases in the United States contain the names of approximately 8,000 missing adults within the last year. Statistically most of them are men who are known to be struggling with a variety of personal problems.

While interviewing mental health professionals they raised concern that Canada is one of the few countries that does not have a standardized mental health policy. In Manitoba there is up to a six month waiting period for those seeking psychiatric help unless patients are a considered a danger to themselves or others. Coupled with the stigma associated with mental health issues it is not surprising tmen are reluctant to access existing services. One individual who left home in the midst of his crisis summarized the broader male perspective in this way,”When faced with challenging situations men don’t think to look in the yellow pages. It is hard for us to disclose what we think and feel at the best of times. Men rarely ask peers what they did (or do) because most of them don’t know where to turn either.

 He added, “In conversations with other males I found there is a general view that it would be easier to seek help if Manitoba had a centralized intake process with a 24 hour crises line strictly geared to men and their personal challenges. Comfort levels would increase if it was understood that on-line counselors would respect confidentiality and had sensitivity to men’s issues and it was more widely advertised. Women inform women about what is out there whereas men do not. Because we don’t know and are afraid to admit things to ourselves or our peer. Things often remain the same until they become intolerable…then we act and often in ways that are not in our best interest.” Men caught up in domestic violence are often the victims of abuse themselves but they do not want to come forward, seek help or even tell anyone because of the same they feel about being hit or abused by women. The same is true if they have been or are being sexually abused at any age. Men have been indoctrinated into believing they have to be strong even when they feel vulnerable.

He and other interviewees felt that Manitoba needs a toll-free crisis line run ‘for men by men.’ From the feedback I received men are apprehensive about their health and well-being but resist going to doctors, healers or therapists because of their up-bringing or conditioning. Some of their health related concerns include; high blood pressure, heart disease, impotence, memory loss and prostate cancer. They admitted that self-esteem can be affected by their work, marriage, divorce, weight, appearance, retirement and financial security.

When these affairs become more than they can handle some men leave home as a coping mechanism. Sometimes they are forced to return to untenable situations before they are equipped to do so…because there is no other place for them to go. Men who have gone through this process say they did not have a sense of equality within our social system. One man put it this way, “When men do cave, leave home and contact family housing and services…some workers don’t know what to do with him. For example, a friend of mine ended out on the street for two days before making it to the Salvation Army.

He said one worker told him to ‘get his act together and go back to his family where he belonged.’ So he did. His circumstances didn’t change and he ended up killing himself two months later. Comparatively, when women are in crisis/danger existing safety nets kick and provide housing, direction and a sense of support. Men understand that women’s socialization is geared towards ‘sharing and caring’ within a co-operative network and that is the accepted norm. However, men who commented on this topic said they are completely lost when it comes to taking a proactive approach to resolving their problems. They view themselves and each other as pragmatic, problem solvers and have a low comfort level when life’s circumstances overwhelm them and alter their ability to cope in a ‘manly’ way…whatever that is.”

Another man I interviewed summarized it for the rest. “I believe men do not want to contact whatever resources are out there because of a genuine concern about being put when feeling weak or vulnerable.” He continued with a face washed in emotion, “Most women I’ve talked to keep towing the party line and say men need to take anger management classes and maybe we do. However, what they do not understand is that our anger is outer expression of other deeper feelings that we don’t know how to handle. Anger is the one emotion men are familiar with. Males display that in the sports arena and the crowds cheer. But how many men, women or children are equipped to handle a sobbing male who is overwhelmed with life? From childhood men are told to suck it up…and be men...so we soldier on and often make bad choices.

Unfortunately most men I know have never been shown another way to do it…so we stay in our comfort zones of familiarity and when that doesn’t work…we end it. Men thrive if they have a project to manage, re-build or construct...that we can do. But ask us to organize a system that would support our physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being and we’re lost. That is why many modern men are floundering or leaving the life they had in whatever form they do it. “

When we read this while putting the content for this article together  it was a full circle moment. Our  initial media contact was on to something. This is definitely a social situation that needs more attention.

Excerpt from What Your Mother Couldn't Tell You & Your Father Didn't Know by John Gray
P. 56, 1994, Harper Collins 427 pages,

Silently Sitting on a Rock

It's crucial to remember that one of the most significant differences between men and women is that while women cope with stress through sharing in nurturing relationships, men cope through solving problems. Traditionally, men have dealt with their problems by silently and patiently thinking up solutions. Ancient hunters would sit on a rock and silently search the horizon, looking and listening for their prey, or looking across the plains at their target, studying its movements and planning the attack.

This process of sitting, waiting, scheming, and planning allowed him to relax and conserve energy for the inevitable chase. Focusing kept his mind off the fear of being attacked or of missing his target, and when he achieved his goal he returned home a happy, stress-free man.

Why Men Watch TV

When a modern man comes home, quite commonly he sits in his favourite chair and either reads the newspaper or watches TV. Like the ancient hunter who needed to recover from the stress of his day, he instinctively finds his rock to sit on and begins gazing off into the horizon. Through reading or listening to the news he is, in effect, looking out over the world or scanning the horizon. As he picks up the remote control and begins searching through the stations, or turns the pages of his paper, he is once more in control: he silently and swiftly continues his hunt.

As he assumes this ancient posture, deep and reassuring feelings of security begin to emerge. Feeling in control, he is able to most effectively cope with the stress of not having immediate solutions to the problems of his life.

Through this instinctive ritual, he is able to temporarily forget his problems at work and is eventually ready for the relationship.

In our counseling work it is clear that society needs to create more resources for men and change the stereotype about what it actually means "to be a man" at this stage of human development. Just as women and their roles in society have changed the same is true for men. There needs to be a collaborative effort to support both genders through this difficult and challenging times.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Celebrating Fresh Beginnings Forum's 3rd Birthday/Anniversary

Victor Cheong is one of the administrators on the Fresh Beginnings Social Forum on the Ning network (http://freshbeginnings.ning.com and he created this card and discussion to help members commemorate the third anniversary/birthday for the site. 

Today is a milestone event for the Fresh Beginnings Forum. Three years have passed since David and Coralie came together to launch this forum. We have seen many members passed through the doors of this site, and a number have also returned after making a brief exit for personal reasons. In these past three years, there have also been a number of starts and stops, and each time, the creators and administrators came together to deliberate on the survival of FBF. But every time the question of FBF’s continuity was debated, it elicited a strong endorsement of support to keep FBF going and the site came out stronger as a result.

Fresh Beginnings owes its success to a group of committed members who keep the site humming and thriving, and who value the friendship, camaraderie, interaction and family-spirit that the site offers members. Members found support and encouragement for one another through their interactions, and this is what keeps the site warm and inviting. I’m sure David and Coralie are very grateful to all our valuable members who have contributed to the success of FBF.

Fresh Beginnings is commemorating her 3rd Anniversary today.  I feel privileged to be a part of this site, and to be sharing in its journey, it ups and downs, its success and its destiny. I'm sure many of you feel the same way I do. For many of us, this site sure feels like home away from home, where love, care and concern are readily found.

Saturday, 28 January 2012


What Is Normal Really?

What is normal really? If you think about it in today’s society what really is normal? Is being a blonde normal or a brunette? What about your height? Is that normal? Think about your background for a moment, is that normal? There is so much that goes into just one person’s life story and how they got to where they are today, how can we classify anyone as being “normal.”

We all grew up in a society where most of us went to school, had peer pressure, and even parental influences in our life to be “normal.” But when you think about it there really is no normal. We are all different and unique energetic beings on this planet. We have all had different background growing up, different families, look differently, sound differently, and act differently. So why is there this pressure to be normal?

Society today has influenced multiple generations into this complexity in our life. It has placed the emphases on not being an individual but rather on being like other people. Do you have the latest clothes, hairstyle, car, gadgets? If you do then society says you fit in with others and are “normal” and if you don’t you are considered “weird” or “different.” But the wondrous thing about life is that we are all this way! We are all unique in our own right, and this is what the “normal” is for us. It isn’t about the material things in life, but rather it is about understanding that you are perfect just the way you are.

Think about it, was there every a time in your life when you didn’t feel normal or you thought if only I was normal. The normal is understanding that everyone is different and loving yourself for who you are. You have a perfect soul at your core and that you are unique in your own right.


We write, produce and present a variety of courses and one of more popular seminars is the one on anger and  conflict resolution courses and here are some tips for managing anger from our course.

Short-term solutions

             Admit that you are angry. If you bottle up your angry feelings, they will not go away, and they will keep coming out over and over again, painfully.
             Try not to over-react. Step back from the situation that is making you angry and ask yourself, "What would I think of someone else if I saw him/her getting angry in this situation?" or
"Is this situation really as bad as I am making it out to be?"
             Try to make you think about something else. Turn your attention to some pleasant memory rather than the line-up, traffic jam or whatever is irritating you.
             Identify the source of your anger. If the actions or words of another person are hurting you, try to you deal with him/her directly in a peaceful and productive way.
             Listen carefully to what others are saying to you, and let them finish without interruption. Very often, you will not understand the real message if you "jump in" after a few words. Give people a chance to explain themselves.

Long-term solutions

If your anger is caused by something beyond your control, such as a job lay-off, find out how others have dealt with the problem successfully, and try to follow their lead.
             Avoid blaming yourself, even if you are angry because of misfortune caused by your own mistake. It is best to try to learn from your experiences and avoid making the same mistakes again.
Reduce tension by finding time for some physical activity. Go for a brisk walk, play a hard game of tennis with a friend, work in the garden, or clean the house.
             Reduce your stress level. Learn some stress management methods, such as relaxation and deep-breathing exercises. Try to find ways of doing more of the things you enjoy.
             Learn to meditate. When you are alone, practice withdrawing your thoughts from day-to-day concerns. This may make you more able to do the same when you find yourself getting angry.
Learn to laugh at yourself. If you can learn to see the silly side of things, you can laugh instead of lashing out.
             Learn to trust the abilities of others. Some of your anger may be coming from a lack of faith in the capabilities of other people.
             Look for professional help. If your problems are serious, you may need the help of a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker. Your family doctor can help to direct you to these professional people.
Talk to someone you trust (a family member, a close friend or a member of the clergy for your religion) who may be able to see things more clearly than you do.


The Inner Dynamics System (IDS) is a personal development model that can be applied to any area of life.  It was developed by life coaches Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy and  clients have discovered that this compelling methodology develops clear vision, insight, understanding and self-mastery.  The IDS combines a variety of techniques that lead to wholeness and balanced, successful living.  This methodology creates lasting transformational changes from the inside and goes beyond self-help and symptomatic relief.

The IDS assists in developing the understanding of how beliefs, attitudes and patterns of behavior affect how we think, feel and act.  The Inner Dynamics System is a life coaching method that assists in developing and applying life strategies that create solutions to most challenges. It also provides shortcuts to accessing and overcoming patterns of inertia, indecision or lack of direction through  the development of critical thinking, awareness, understanding, accountability and authentic behavior.

The Inner Dynamics System promotes strength from within and provides practical self-change tools that can be applied to most areas of life. It  develops clarity, discernment and accountable choice making.  Clients using the system discover ways to move  out of conditioned existence and superficial habits and compulsions and towards healthier, balanced living.   The tools within the IDS help to develop a clear intent about  life goals and how to realize them.   Developing self-knowledge and accepting responsibility for the cause and effect of choice brings freedom from frozen, unfulfilling patterns of behavior. The Inner Dynamics system combines theory and practical  strategies for self-change lead to lasting change.

If you are interested in improving any area of life, then the life strategies/life coaching methods of the Inner Dynamics System may be for you.   All private and group sessions are offered in a confidential supportive environment. The material is presented with a balance between structure and interactive fluidity.

Life coaches Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy developed the IDS from thirty-five years of professional and personal experience.  Their diversity in education, training and life learning is translated into a system of self-change that produces dramatic results.    David and Coralie collaborate on all material presented in their private and public sessions and coarse seminars.  They continually up-date and revise their material in-house to support changing societal needs.   Their years of combined experience in life coaching, writing, public speaking, group facilitation, radio and television has created a proven track record for the effectiveness of the IDS.  The numerous testimonials from participants sharing their successes inspire the founders to continue their work in this field. Here a a few that attest to the efficacy of the Inner Dynamics System.

The Inner Dynamics  System Works
Ray Torgrud—CKY Television

David and Coralie have, over a period of several years assisted me in the preparation and presentation of television programs on the subject of personal development.  Their approach has constantly been to offer common sense recommendations in an interesting and animated way.  The audience response their presentation has always been enthusiastic and positive.

Natalie Strecker—CJOB Radio

Your appearance on CJOB’s showed your attitude refreshing and non-judgmental.  You do not lecture—you discuss and in a most unobtrusive fashion you manage to unearth real issues and assist others in dealing with them.  I continue to spread the word that the Inner Dynamics System is workable and upbeat!

Lillian McMahon—Manager Horseman Piling Contactors. Wpg. MB

Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy assisted me and business colleagues in resolving differences.  I can only speak highly of their service and the Inner Dynamics System in facilitating clients seeking solutions to business and personal problems.  They are successful without being intrusive and they are experts at getting to the core of the problem without offending.

Gail Shimonek—Regional Manager Pembina Valley Regional Centre

On behalf of the Pembina Valley Regional Center and Red River Community College I am more than pleased to be able to recommend Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy as excellent presenters in areas of Personal Management, Interpersonal Effectiveness and Personal Mastery.  The Inner Dynamics System uses a positive, common-sense approach together with an enthusiastic and animated presentation and  genuine concern for  clients.  The methods and philosophy includes positive reinforcement and discovery of true inner strengths and self-worth.

The Inner Dynamics System provides assistance in the following areas:

* Accessing the power within
* Body Image—Weight Management
* Communicating with honor and excellence
* Conflict resolution
* Creating safe emotional boundaries
* Develops self-confidence and assertiveness
* Eating Disorders
*Effective ways to resolve inner/outer conflicts
* Fiscal responsibility and abundance
* Improves communication skills
* Increases awareness, acceptance and self-worth
* Lifestyle assessments
* Moving out of conditioned existence and Internal conditioning
* Overcoming limiting attitudes and behaviors
* Renews a passion for life
* Setting and achieving goals to create a positive future
* Sustaining personal power during life transitions
 * Time, self and stress management
* Understanding and applying the principle of cause and effect/choice and consequence


"Desiderata" Latin for "Desired Things" was originally an inspirational poem copyrighted by Max Ehrmann in 1927, it went on to become an uplifting and truly motivational song in the early 1970's.

We have always appreciated the timeless message in Desiderata. Desired things involve creating Fresh Beginnings by being mindful of the good and the positive in life as is presented in this teaching.
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with the Creator
whatever you conceive Source to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Fly Free Like A Butterfly

Our company Fresh Beginnings www.fresh-beginnings and our forum on Ning: www.freshbeginnings.ning.com chose a butterfly because they symbolize growth and transformational change. The music by Mariah Carey and accompanying images are visual reminders that when we emulate the butterfly we can also emerge from our cocoons, show the world our true colors, get our wings and fly!

Celebrating 20 years of marriage at Grand Beach Manitoba

As life and business partners we enjoy spending time together and are best friends. We met on July 15, 1990 and were married on July 12, 1991. We named our channel CD Creative Ventures because we like to have fun and share adventures and at times misadventures and have had our fair share of both since we started sharing our soul path together. We shot this video at Grand Beach Manitoba in 2011. We love going there as it is a special place with a lot to do. During the swing scenes Coralie was sharing what she and David live by...that it is never too late to be great, that growing older is mandatory but growing up is not and you are only young once but can be a kid forever.


We moved into our home in the fall of 1996 and there were no gardens or fencing anywhere on the property. Being avid gardens we immediately began making plans to landscape it. We started out by digging up the sod in the front, cultivating the soil and transplanting some of the perennials and shrubs from the property we had left.

Then we hauled a lot of the rocks we had began framing the newly dug up plots. The process of digging, planting, transplanting has continued over the years and here we are 15 years later and there are a lot of gardens with only one small patch of grass left so our dogs have a place to play and do their business.

The gardens are filled with mature perennial plants, trees and shrubs. We put up fences, created a lattice inner courtyard covered in climbing vans and added water ponds, fruit bearing trees and shrubs. Along with an abundance of flowers there is a veggie garden and this year David removed the old deck and expanded the new one and we are enjoying the extra space a lot.

Landscaping and gardening is a shared passion and even though the garden is well established each year we alter things to keep our interest. We fill the whiskey barrels and other container pots with a wide variety of annuals. They add a splash of color throughout the yard and contrast the different bloom times of the perennials.

Even though we live in a small rural town the trees and vines growing along the fences gives us a lot of privacy. Our outdoor space is our little piece of heaven and a sanctuary we enjoy all summer long year. We have what many people wish they could "escape to" right outside our doors and we love being out there. We have screened areas to avoid run-ins with bugs and mosquitoes and sitting around an open fire and star-gazing reminds us that there are many simple pleasures we enjoy in our yard.

We hope visitors to our channel enjoy the walk-through in our garden as much as we enjoy sharing our garden with others on and off line.


By Coralie Darsey-Malloy

Everyone wants independent choice…
whatever that may cost…and wherever it may lead.
--Fyodor Dostroyevsky

When I began my quest for health and wholeness in the mid-eighties much of what has gained mainstream acceptance was considered ‘fringe new age thinking” and viewed with suspicion or flatly rejected. When David and I met in 1990 I made his head spin with my concern about the free radicals and the high glucose factor in his diet. I rambled on about that and the importance of low fat, moderate carbohydrate diet and using food combining as a way to lose weight.

There were many  that just patted me on the head and admitted that it all sounded a little too weird for them at the time. Now these ideas have been accepted and utilized by many because they are endorsed by researchers. The growing emphasis on healthy living has created less polarity within formal medicine and complimentary healing systems.

This trend has already started towards more sensitive patient care with a multitude of options that were not available even twenty years ago. The emerging changes in preventative health and wellness techniques can and does compliment today’s precision diagnostic services. Inevitably, professional patronizing, and obscure terminology will give way to cooperative educational approaches, and client-orientated therapies. Future medicine like future world politics, will increasingly acknowledge choice making and empowerment of the individual.

Even before these changes are fully implemented, there is much we can all do to optimize our health. Eating less and eating well are basic premises of preventative self- care. Avoiding the known health hazards of smoking, alcohol, fat, sugar, caffeine, salt and processed foods are another commonsense approach. Breakthroughs in health care reveal that many of the diseases and ailments being treated by symptom relief alone can be readily overcome with social and lifestyle changes.

A long, healthy life is a reasonable expectation under most conditions, and self-reliant health care involves one’s authority over their right to choose what they determine is best for them. As the paradigm of whole-person healing continues to evolve, the knowledge it brings not only liberates it unites people as well. Today personal fitness and healing practices once considered outlandish are gaining mainstream credibility—because they work. Large corporations are underwriting relaxation and stress management courses to reduce employee absenteeism. Insurance companies offer financial incentives to non-smokers and aerobic dancers. Healing in the 21st century will witness the final convergence of science, psychology, body, mind and spirit.

As  the science, medicine, the biology of emotion and thought, humor, health and healing attitudes are promoted as a plausible option to symptom relief, drug therapy, invasive procedures there will be more inclination to become well informed before choosing any course of treatment. New attitudes and modalities provide much hope in the form of simple, yet powerful whole-person self-care systems.

They are often equally or more effective than prescriptions and are cost effective, encourage self-responsibility, do no harm, educational, fun and provide positive outcomes! So the good news is…there truly are many ways to achieve health, wholeness and abundant living for those willing to explore options and think beyond symptom relief with prescription drugs rather than assessing core issuers and complimentary healing systems.

Some of the systems we value in our "self-health" care include Traditional Chinese Medicine, Young Living Essential Oils: Blog: http://whywelovebeingyounglivingdistributors.blogspot.com/ along with Chiropractic Care, Supplementation, Energy Work, Massage along with exercise, meditation and keeping life in balance.

We always remind our clients that good health is not a right but a responsibility. When we decide to live long and live strong and take the appropriate steps to do so healthy, dynamic living into advanced years truly is possible.