Let us introduce ourselves. We are Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy and are married partners in life and business and have been working as counselors, public speakers and seminar leaders in the health and wellness field since 1990.
We co-founded and co-direct a personal development company called Fresh Beginning and chose a butterfly as the logo for our company because they represent spiritual development and transformational change from the inside out.
Through our combined training we developed the Inner Dynamics System (IDS) for personal development. This model assists clients in resolving challenges by developing greater self-awareness, cognitive restructuring, and behavior modification. The tools we provide help others to move forward with preparation, focused intent, precision and confidence. Whether we are working in private sessions or within a group dynamic our goal is to assist clients evaluate what is and is not working in life and assisting them in becoming more conscious and deliberate in choice making and intentions.
Fresh Beginnings services provide:
* Support systems.
* Provide direction in discovering inner and outer resources
* Become trusted allies and emotional safety during any growth process
* Provide clarity with goal-setting-goal-getting objectives
* Creating realistic actions plans
* Develop self-awareness with conscious living
*Work with responsible living by applying “choice and consequence” Instead of getting frustrated and feeling that things are always going “one step forward, two steps back” we work together to create a vision for life that is realistic and attainable.
Addressing concerns many clients have:
* Clarity/Focus. We often here comments like this: "I have so many ideas that I can’t narrow it down to only one! Help me sift down to what is important, relevant and practical and eliminate the rest!
* Strategy. “I only have so much time in the day. I need to know what to do, right now!”
* Restore Confidence. “I’m feeling beaten down and exhausted and simply don’t know how to get my energy back.”
* Accountability. “I know what needs to be done, but keep procrastinating. I need someone to keep me focused and on task.”
* A New Approach. “I can’t believe I never thought about it that way!”
One of the most common statements clients make is “I need focus!” Distractions are everywhere. And when you’re an intelligent, educated person engaged in the world around you, ideas are abundant and knowing what to do with them can be overwhelming at times. As life counselors we combine our personal and professional experiences and assist clients in developing clear intentions in combination with proactive problem solving and action plans.
We assist all our clients in deciding what they really want and provide realistic strategies that are required to achieve them. We have a lot of skills in our toolbox that have a proven track record. In our discussions with clients they admit to reading books and going to seminars to find the answers they are seeking. Most of the times they find they are inspired for a little while and then go right back to the familiar ways of doing things. usual way of doing things. Working together in private sessions with either Coralie or David individually or together provides the support needed to achieve desired outcomes. We know it is never too late to be great or create a Fresh Beginning.
How can Fresh Beginnings services assist with your life and career goals?
Discover how to simplify life, re-gain balance and energy and move forward in new directions.
Clarify intention and focus, think in a new way, increase confidence and know what to l do next.
Create new strategies and skills.
Create an environment that is supportive and emotionally safe.
Reveal the energy drains in life and develop new habits to prevent it.
Help you write a dynamite resume or create a business plan for your career path.
Identify and capitalize on unique leadership skills.
Learn communication new communication skills.
Create safe boundaries through assertiveness.
We are available for private phone sessions in North America or anywhere in the world through Skype. Our Check out website at http://www.fresh-beginnings.com for a toll free number for appointments and call-backs.
We will have a no-pressure, get acquainted phone call so prospective clients have a feel for our coaching style. Feel free to give us a call at 1-204-242-3373 and check out our website for further information about our life coaching services, seminars or public speaking engagements. The Fresh Beginnings the link for the Fresh Beginnings website is: http:// www.fresh-beginnings.com Our company Email is info@fresh-beginnings.com.
We are also distributors for Young Living Essential Oils and are committed to sharing the powerfully beneficial properties of these pure grade essential oils. We are looking to add people to our Young Living Team and if you are interested in more information call or email us at the Young Living email: youngliving99@gmail.com, check out our Fresh Scents With Young Living Oils Blog: http://whywelovebeingyounglivingdistributors.blogspot.com/
The Fresh Scents You Tube Link is: http://www.youtube.com/user/FRESHSCENTSWITHYL?blend=1&ob=video-mustangbase
We have a social forum on the Ning network Fresh Beginnings Forum (FBF) and the link is: http://www.freshbeginnings.ning.com
Our YouTube channel is: http://www.youtube.com/user/FBVentures
Coralie’s Profile:
David’s Profile:
Fresh Beginnings:
Coralie's Blog link ISs: http://coralieraiadarsey-malloy.blogspot.com/
Exploring Common Ground, Respecting Differences and Embracing Diversity and Oneness:
The Blog for a book Coralie wrote about her healing/spiritual journey is:
And the Website for here book I've Been There A Testimony of Hope is:
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