Monday, 30 January 2012

Celebrating Fresh Beginnings Forum's 3rd Birthday/Anniversary

Victor Cheong is one of the administrators on the Fresh Beginnings Social Forum on the Ning network ( and he created this card and discussion to help members commemorate the third anniversary/birthday for the site. 

Today is a milestone event for the Fresh Beginnings Forum. Three years have passed since David and Coralie came together to launch this forum. We have seen many members passed through the doors of this site, and a number have also returned after making a brief exit for personal reasons. In these past three years, there have also been a number of starts and stops, and each time, the creators and administrators came together to deliberate on the survival of FBF. But every time the question of FBF’s continuity was debated, it elicited a strong endorsement of support to keep FBF going and the site came out stronger as a result.

Fresh Beginnings owes its success to a group of committed members who keep the site humming and thriving, and who value the friendship, camaraderie, interaction and family-spirit that the site offers members. Members found support and encouragement for one another through their interactions, and this is what keeps the site warm and inviting. I’m sure David and Coralie are very grateful to all our valuable members who have contributed to the success of FBF.

Fresh Beginnings is commemorating her 3rd Anniversary today.  I feel privileged to be a part of this site, and to be sharing in its journey, it ups and downs, its success and its destiny. I'm sure many of you feel the same way I do. For many of us, this site sure feels like home away from home, where love, care and concern are readily found.

Saturday, 28 January 2012


What Is Normal Really?

What is normal really? If you think about it in today’s society what really is normal? Is being a blonde normal or a brunette? What about your height? Is that normal? Think about your background for a moment, is that normal? There is so much that goes into just one person’s life story and how they got to where they are today, how can we classify anyone as being “normal.”

We all grew up in a society where most of us went to school, had peer pressure, and even parental influences in our life to be “normal.” But when you think about it there really is no normal. We are all different and unique energetic beings on this planet. We have all had different background growing up, different families, look differently, sound differently, and act differently. So why is there this pressure to be normal?

Society today has influenced multiple generations into this complexity in our life. It has placed the emphases on not being an individual but rather on being like other people. Do you have the latest clothes, hairstyle, car, gadgets? If you do then society says you fit in with others and are “normal” and if you don’t you are considered “weird” or “different.” But the wondrous thing about life is that we are all this way! We are all unique in our own right, and this is what the “normal” is for us. It isn’t about the material things in life, but rather it is about understanding that you are perfect just the way you are.

Think about it, was there every a time in your life when you didn’t feel normal or you thought if only I was normal. The normal is understanding that everyone is different and loving yourself for who you are. You have a perfect soul at your core and that you are unique in your own right.


We write, produce and present a variety of courses and one of more popular seminars is the one on anger and  conflict resolution courses and here are some tips for managing anger from our course.

Short-term solutions

             Admit that you are angry. If you bottle up your angry feelings, they will not go away, and they will keep coming out over and over again, painfully.
             Try not to over-react. Step back from the situation that is making you angry and ask yourself, "What would I think of someone else if I saw him/her getting angry in this situation?" or
"Is this situation really as bad as I am making it out to be?"
             Try to make you think about something else. Turn your attention to some pleasant memory rather than the line-up, traffic jam or whatever is irritating you.
             Identify the source of your anger. If the actions or words of another person are hurting you, try to you deal with him/her directly in a peaceful and productive way.
             Listen carefully to what others are saying to you, and let them finish without interruption. Very often, you will not understand the real message if you "jump in" after a few words. Give people a chance to explain themselves.

Long-term solutions

If your anger is caused by something beyond your control, such as a job lay-off, find out how others have dealt with the problem successfully, and try to follow their lead.
             Avoid blaming yourself, even if you are angry because of misfortune caused by your own mistake. It is best to try to learn from your experiences and avoid making the same mistakes again.
Reduce tension by finding time for some physical activity. Go for a brisk walk, play a hard game of tennis with a friend, work in the garden, or clean the house.
             Reduce your stress level. Learn some stress management methods, such as relaxation and deep-breathing exercises. Try to find ways of doing more of the things you enjoy.
             Learn to meditate. When you are alone, practice withdrawing your thoughts from day-to-day concerns. This may make you more able to do the same when you find yourself getting angry.
Learn to laugh at yourself. If you can learn to see the silly side of things, you can laugh instead of lashing out.
             Learn to trust the abilities of others. Some of your anger may be coming from a lack of faith in the capabilities of other people.
             Look for professional help. If your problems are serious, you may need the help of a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker. Your family doctor can help to direct you to these professional people.
Talk to someone you trust (a family member, a close friend or a member of the clergy for your religion) who may be able to see things more clearly than you do.


The Inner Dynamics System (IDS) is a personal development model that can be applied to any area of life.  It was developed by life coaches Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy and  clients have discovered that this compelling methodology develops clear vision, insight, understanding and self-mastery.  The IDS combines a variety of techniques that lead to wholeness and balanced, successful living.  This methodology creates lasting transformational changes from the inside and goes beyond self-help and symptomatic relief.

The IDS assists in developing the understanding of how beliefs, attitudes and patterns of behavior affect how we think, feel and act.  The Inner Dynamics System is a life coaching method that assists in developing and applying life strategies that create solutions to most challenges. It also provides shortcuts to accessing and overcoming patterns of inertia, indecision or lack of direction through  the development of critical thinking, awareness, understanding, accountability and authentic behavior.

The Inner Dynamics System promotes strength from within and provides practical self-change tools that can be applied to most areas of life. It  develops clarity, discernment and accountable choice making.  Clients using the system discover ways to move  out of conditioned existence and superficial habits and compulsions and towards healthier, balanced living.   The tools within the IDS help to develop a clear intent about  life goals and how to realize them.   Developing self-knowledge and accepting responsibility for the cause and effect of choice brings freedom from frozen, unfulfilling patterns of behavior. The Inner Dynamics system combines theory and practical  strategies for self-change lead to lasting change.

If you are interested in improving any area of life, then the life strategies/life coaching methods of the Inner Dynamics System may be for you.   All private and group sessions are offered in a confidential supportive environment. The material is presented with a balance between structure and interactive fluidity.

Life coaches Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy developed the IDS from thirty-five years of professional and personal experience.  Their diversity in education, training and life learning is translated into a system of self-change that produces dramatic results.    David and Coralie collaborate on all material presented in their private and public sessions and coarse seminars.  They continually up-date and revise their material in-house to support changing societal needs.   Their years of combined experience in life coaching, writing, public speaking, group facilitation, radio and television has created a proven track record for the effectiveness of the IDS.  The numerous testimonials from participants sharing their successes inspire the founders to continue their work in this field. Here a a few that attest to the efficacy of the Inner Dynamics System.

The Inner Dynamics  System Works
Ray Torgrud—CKY Television

David and Coralie have, over a period of several years assisted me in the preparation and presentation of television programs on the subject of personal development.  Their approach has constantly been to offer common sense recommendations in an interesting and animated way.  The audience response their presentation has always been enthusiastic and positive.

Natalie Strecker—CJOB Radio

Your appearance on CJOB’s showed your attitude refreshing and non-judgmental.  You do not lecture—you discuss and in a most unobtrusive fashion you manage to unearth real issues and assist others in dealing with them.  I continue to spread the word that the Inner Dynamics System is workable and upbeat!

Lillian McMahon—Manager Horseman Piling Contactors. Wpg. MB

Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy assisted me and business colleagues in resolving differences.  I can only speak highly of their service and the Inner Dynamics System in facilitating clients seeking solutions to business and personal problems.  They are successful without being intrusive and they are experts at getting to the core of the problem without offending.

Gail Shimonek—Regional Manager Pembina Valley Regional Centre

On behalf of the Pembina Valley Regional Center and Red River Community College I am more than pleased to be able to recommend Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy as excellent presenters in areas of Personal Management, Interpersonal Effectiveness and Personal Mastery.  The Inner Dynamics System uses a positive, common-sense approach together with an enthusiastic and animated presentation and  genuine concern for  clients.  The methods and philosophy includes positive reinforcement and discovery of true inner strengths and self-worth.

The Inner Dynamics System provides assistance in the following areas:

* Accessing the power within
* Body Image—Weight Management
* Communicating with honor and excellence
* Conflict resolution
* Creating safe emotional boundaries
* Develops self-confidence and assertiveness
* Eating Disorders
*Effective ways to resolve inner/outer conflicts
* Fiscal responsibility and abundance
* Improves communication skills
* Increases awareness, acceptance and self-worth
* Lifestyle assessments
* Moving out of conditioned existence and Internal conditioning
* Overcoming limiting attitudes and behaviors
* Renews a passion for life
* Setting and achieving goals to create a positive future
* Sustaining personal power during life transitions
 * Time, self and stress management
* Understanding and applying the principle of cause and effect/choice and consequence


"Desiderata" Latin for "Desired Things" was originally an inspirational poem copyrighted by Max Ehrmann in 1927, it went on to become an uplifting and truly motivational song in the early 1970's.

We have always appreciated the timeless message in Desiderata. Desired things involve creating Fresh Beginnings by being mindful of the good and the positive in life as is presented in this teaching.
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with the Creator
whatever you conceive Source to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Fly Free Like A Butterfly

Our company Fresh Beginnings www.fresh-beginnings and our forum on Ning: chose a butterfly because they symbolize growth and transformational change. The music by Mariah Carey and accompanying images are visual reminders that when we emulate the butterfly we can also emerge from our cocoons, show the world our true colors, get our wings and fly!

Celebrating 20 years of marriage at Grand Beach Manitoba

As life and business partners we enjoy spending time together and are best friends. We met on July 15, 1990 and were married on July 12, 1991. We named our channel CD Creative Ventures because we like to have fun and share adventures and at times misadventures and have had our fair share of both since we started sharing our soul path together. We shot this video at Grand Beach Manitoba in 2011. We love going there as it is a special place with a lot to do. During the swing scenes Coralie was sharing what she and David live by...that it is never too late to be great, that growing older is mandatory but growing up is not and you are only young once but can be a kid forever.


We moved into our home in the fall of 1996 and there were no gardens or fencing anywhere on the property. Being avid gardens we immediately began making plans to landscape it. We started out by digging up the sod in the front, cultivating the soil and transplanting some of the perennials and shrubs from the property we had left.

Then we hauled a lot of the rocks we had began framing the newly dug up plots. The process of digging, planting, transplanting has continued over the years and here we are 15 years later and there are a lot of gardens with only one small patch of grass left so our dogs have a place to play and do their business.

The gardens are filled with mature perennial plants, trees and shrubs. We put up fences, created a lattice inner courtyard covered in climbing vans and added water ponds, fruit bearing trees and shrubs. Along with an abundance of flowers there is a veggie garden and this year David removed the old deck and expanded the new one and we are enjoying the extra space a lot.

Landscaping and gardening is a shared passion and even though the garden is well established each year we alter things to keep our interest. We fill the whiskey barrels and other container pots with a wide variety of annuals. They add a splash of color throughout the yard and contrast the different bloom times of the perennials.

Even though we live in a small rural town the trees and vines growing along the fences gives us a lot of privacy. Our outdoor space is our little piece of heaven and a sanctuary we enjoy all summer long year. We have what many people wish they could "escape to" right outside our doors and we love being out there. We have screened areas to avoid run-ins with bugs and mosquitoes and sitting around an open fire and star-gazing reminds us that there are many simple pleasures we enjoy in our yard.

We hope visitors to our channel enjoy the walk-through in our garden as much as we enjoy sharing our garden with others on and off line.


By Coralie Darsey-Malloy

Everyone wants independent choice…
whatever that may cost…and wherever it may lead.
--Fyodor Dostroyevsky

When I began my quest for health and wholeness in the mid-eighties much of what has gained mainstream acceptance was considered ‘fringe new age thinking” and viewed with suspicion or flatly rejected. When David and I met in 1990 I made his head spin with my concern about the free radicals and the high glucose factor in his diet. I rambled on about that and the importance of low fat, moderate carbohydrate diet and using food combining as a way to lose weight.

There were many  that just patted me on the head and admitted that it all sounded a little too weird for them at the time. Now these ideas have been accepted and utilized by many because they are endorsed by researchers. The growing emphasis on healthy living has created less polarity within formal medicine and complimentary healing systems.

This trend has already started towards more sensitive patient care with a multitude of options that were not available even twenty years ago. The emerging changes in preventative health and wellness techniques can and does compliment today’s precision diagnostic services. Inevitably, professional patronizing, and obscure terminology will give way to cooperative educational approaches, and client-orientated therapies. Future medicine like future world politics, will increasingly acknowledge choice making and empowerment of the individual.

Even before these changes are fully implemented, there is much we can all do to optimize our health. Eating less and eating well are basic premises of preventative self- care. Avoiding the known health hazards of smoking, alcohol, fat, sugar, caffeine, salt and processed foods are another commonsense approach. Breakthroughs in health care reveal that many of the diseases and ailments being treated by symptom relief alone can be readily overcome with social and lifestyle changes.

A long, healthy life is a reasonable expectation under most conditions, and self-reliant health care involves one’s authority over their right to choose what they determine is best for them. As the paradigm of whole-person healing continues to evolve, the knowledge it brings not only liberates it unites people as well. Today personal fitness and healing practices once considered outlandish are gaining mainstream credibility—because they work. Large corporations are underwriting relaxation and stress management courses to reduce employee absenteeism. Insurance companies offer financial incentives to non-smokers and aerobic dancers. Healing in the 21st century will witness the final convergence of science, psychology, body, mind and spirit.

As  the science, medicine, the biology of emotion and thought, humor, health and healing attitudes are promoted as a plausible option to symptom relief, drug therapy, invasive procedures there will be more inclination to become well informed before choosing any course of treatment. New attitudes and modalities provide much hope in the form of simple, yet powerful whole-person self-care systems.

They are often equally or more effective than prescriptions and are cost effective, encourage self-responsibility, do no harm, educational, fun and provide positive outcomes! So the good news is…there truly are many ways to achieve health, wholeness and abundant living for those willing to explore options and think beyond symptom relief with prescription drugs rather than assessing core issuers and complimentary healing systems.

Some of the systems we value in our "self-health" care include Traditional Chinese Medicine, Young Living Essential Oils: Blog: along with Chiropractic Care, Supplementation, Energy Work, Massage along with exercise, meditation and keeping life in balance.

We always remind our clients that good health is not a right but a responsibility. When we decide to live long and live strong and take the appropriate steps to do so healthy, dynamic living into advanced years truly is possible.


Let us introduce ourselves. We are Coralie Darsey-Malloy and David Malloy and are married partners in life and business and have been working as counselors, public speakers and seminar leaders in the health and wellness field since 1990. 

We co-founded and co-direct a personal development company called Fresh Beginning and chose a butterfly as the logo for our company because they represent spiritual development and transformational change from the inside out.  

Through our combined training we developed the Inner Dynamics System (IDS) for personal development.  This model assists clients in resolving challenges by developing greater self-awareness, cognitive restructuring, and behavior modification.  The tools we provide help others to move forward with preparation, focused intent, precision and confidence.  Whether we are working in private sessions or within a group dynamic our goal is to assist clients  evaluate what is and is not working in life and assisting them in becoming more conscious and deliberate in choice making and intentions.

Fresh Beginnings services provide:

* Support systems.
 * Provide direction in discovering inner and outer resources
* Become trusted allies and emotional safety during any growth process
* Provide clarity with goal-setting-goal-getting objectives  
* Creating realistic actions plans
* Develop self-awareness with conscious living 
*Work with responsible living by applying “choice and consequence”  Instead of getting frustrated and feeling that things are   always going “one step forward, two steps back” we work together to create a vision for life  that is realistic and attainable. 

Addressing concerns many clients have:

* Clarity/Focus. We often here comments like this: "I  have so many ideas that I can’t narrow it down to only one! Help me sift down to what is important, relevant and practical and eliminate the rest!
* Strategy. “I only have so much time in the day. I need to know what to do, right now!”
* Restore Confidence. “I’m feeling beaten down and exhausted and simply don’t know how to get my energy back.”
* Accountability. “I know what needs to be done, but keep procrastinating. I need someone to keep me focused and on task.”
* A New Approach. “I can’t believe I never thought about it that way!”

One of the most common statements clients make is “I need focus!” Distractions are everywhere. And when you’re an intelligent, educated person engaged in the world around you, ideas are abundant and knowing what to do with them can be overwhelming at times. As life counselors we combine our personal and professional experiences and assist clients in developing clear intentions in combination with proactive problem solving and action plans.

We assist all our clients in deciding what they really want and provide realistic strategies that are required to achieve them. We have a lot of skills in our toolbox that have a proven track record.  In our discussions with clients they admit to reading books and going to seminars to find the answers they are seeking. Most of the times they find they are inspired for a little while and then go right back to the familiar ways of doing things. usual way of doing things.  Working together in private sessions with either Coralie or David individually or together provides the support needed to achieve desired outcomes. We know it is never too late to be great or create a Fresh Beginning.

How can Fresh Beginnings services assist with your life and career goals?

Discover how to simplify life, re-gain balance and energy and move forward in new directions.
Clarify intention and focus, think in a new way, increase confidence and know what to l do next.
Create new strategies and skills.
Create an environment that is supportive and emotionally safe.  
Reveal the energy drains in life and develop new habits to prevent it.
Help you write a dynamite resume or create a business plan for your career path.
Identify and capitalize on unique leadership skills.
Learn communication new communication skills.
Create safe boundaries through assertiveness. 
Available to be an adviser and sounding board as clients chart new territory.

We are available for private phone sessions in North America or anywhere in the world through Skype.  Our Check out website at for a toll free number for appointments and call-backs.

We will have a no-pressure, get acquainted phone call so prospective clients have a feel for our coaching style. Feel free to give us a call at 1-204-242-3373 and check out our website for further information about our life coaching services, seminars or public speaking engagements. The Fresh Beginnings the link for the Fresh Beginnings website is: http:// Our company Email is

We are also distributors for Young Living Essential Oils and are committed to sharing the powerfully beneficial properties of these pure grade essential oils. We are looking to add people to our Young Living Team and if you are interested in more information call or email us at the Young Living email:, check out our Fresh Scents With Young Living Oils Blog:

We have a social forum on the Ning network Fresh Beginnings Forum (FBF) and the link is:

Our YouTube channel is:


Coralie’s Profile:

David’s Profile:


Fresh Beginnings:





Exploring Common Ground, Respecting Differences and Embracing Diversity and Oneness:

The Blog for a book Coralie wrote about her healing/spiritual journey is:
And the Website for here book I've Been There A Testimony of Hope is: